On regulation in software engineering

Posted on Sun 21 July 2024 in Software

Emergency services, GPs, hospitals, transportation systems and the like are funded, at least in part, by public money. When their computer systems go down, the public is badly affected and people can get hurt, and lives can be put at risk. So what regulations and quality controls are there on companies that provide these software services?

For disclosure: I do not provide, and have not ever provided, such services to any public sector organization. But if I were negligent and my software caused damage to expensive lab equipment, I might, quite rightly, receive disciplinary or at least remedial action from my employer. And if somebody got hurt, there might be criminal consequences. And that might be sufficient incentive to the individual engineer within a smallish organisation, but it doesn't affect the fundamental problem that the software engineering 'discipline' is, generally speaking, not particularly disciplined when it comes to quality control, testing, documentation and other best practices.

Modern computer systems are very complex, so it is natural that issues arise, but the same can be said for other areas of engineering which are better regulated. Many software engineers (myself included) are self-taught and have no qualification or formal training -- only the good fortune to have worked with, and learnt from, excellent colleagues. This is not a bad thing, as it makes the field accessible and allows talent to join the industry, but without oversight, it allows bad practices to proliferate.

I can't comment on the particulars of the latest outage because I don't know what happened, although it is good to know that CrowdStrike are already performing a root cause analysis (archive) on the incident. But with an outage of this scale that affects so many sectors, there does need to be some accountability to the public, and 'we fired the individual who wrote that code' and 'our stock price crashed' aren't enough to change the broader culture in the discipline and prevent similar outages from happening again at some other company.

Regulations must not become mere box-ticking exercises, but if implemented effectively, they make service providers accountable to taxpayer. But they are good for engineers too. They force us to think about engineering quality. Things that we know we should be doing but often neglect, either because (a) we have tight deadlines or (b) they are boring. We don't like to admit this, but this is often a reason for poor documentation. But they should really be factored in the cost of software development. For all its flaws, GDPR was a step in the right(ish) direction; companies and engineers have been made to consider the consequences of their work pertaining to data handling.

This post is motivated by the ongoing CrowdStrike outage, but pertains to software engineering in general, not to the particulars of this incident. As with all other content on this blog, it expresses my opinions, not those of my employer.