Self-hosting a minimal website with nginx and HTTPS

Posted on Sat 27 April 2024 in Software

This website is now self-hosted on a Raspberry Pi server at home. I had struggled with nginx and HTTPS in the past, so was rather pleasantly surprised to see how straightforward it was.

I couldn't find anything on the web that walked one through the whole process, so here are the steps that I took, in some order. (This isn't meant to be a full tutorial, sorry.)

The site now serves static content using Pelican. Much nicer than WordPress. More on Pelican in a future post, but for now let us take it for granted that we just want to serve static files in /home/jmft2/

DNS and firewall

  • Add a suitable DNS record to your home network. I use No-IP and then use an ALIAS record.
  • Set up port forwarding on ports 80 and 443 on your firewall (in your router settings).

Setting up nginx

  • Install nginx:
sudo apt install nginx
  • Create a minimal config file at ~/
server {

    access_log /home/jmft2/;
    error_log /home/jmft2/;

    location / {
        alias /home/jmft2/;
        index index.html;
  • Make the directory for logs:
mkdir ~/
  • Make symlinks to the sites-available and sites-enabled directories in /etc/nginx:
sudo ln -s ~/ /etc/nginx/sites-available/
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  • Make sure the public_html directory and all its parents are readable by the www-data user. One way is this:
chmod a+rX ~ ~/ ~/
  • Check the configuration, and if it is successful, load it:
sudo nginx -t && sudo systemctl reload nginx

At this point, going to (no https) should show you the index.html page for the site.

Setting up HTTPS

LetsEncrypt recommend using Certbot, which made the HTTPS installation process very straightforward.

  • Certbot is managed by the Snap package manager, so it is first necessary to install that:
sudo apt install snapd
sudo systemctl restart snapd  # might be needed
sudo snap install core
sudo snap install --classic certbot
  • Run Certbot and follow the instructions:
sudo certbox --nginx
  • Reload the new nginx configurations:
sudo systemctl reload nginx

With this set up, going to should bring the site up.